
Our project, "re:orient - migrating architectures" explores the local aspects of China's global significance and increasing influence. The project seeks to forecast possibilities which are now detectable only in connection with retail, but which will, in all likelihood, determine the built environment, which transforms under the pressure of ever-cheaper products. The project follows up these ideas with the presentation of spaces, architectural devices and materials that create new contents, and indicate ways of turning these constraints of the market to our benefit, show how to infuse the mass products, which are designed to have a short life-span, with lasting cultural values.

Video documentation of the installation in Venice

Explore the installation in Venice

Read our research



[20.11.2007] Reorient exhibition in Paris:
The grand Baldachin - 10 000 Cats

A year after the exhibition in Venice the Reorient team is creating another transformation of architecture, this time in Paris, for the Hungarian Institute. New part and old system get remixed to hack to great hall of the Institute. Open from November 20, 2007 to January 30, 2008. Rue Bonnaparte 92.
Watch a video and some images of the exhibition here

[15.04.2007] Reorient gets remixed for Tokyo's NTT-Intercommunication Center's 10th Anniversary exhibition to become Reconfigurable House. Full information and credits on the project website.

[14.09.2006] The re:orient team is back in Budapest after three weeks of work and the opening of the Hungarian pavilion. The project's reception went beyond our expectations - besides the many positive feedbacks that we got, we also hope that the work and discussions on the topics we tackled will continue in the future and also outside the context of the Biennale.

[08.09.2006] Before the opening of the pavilion we updated the installation pages and the press section with many photos. The scrapbook - besides the posts on the construction - will also be extended with more links soon.

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