
Aether Architecture

Lecture by Adam Somlai-Fischer

Adam Somlai-Fischer has been experimenting for the last six years for the convergence of new media and actual spaces, looking for poetic qualities where people, technology and architecture meet; extending the territory of architectural design. Some notable examples are Reorient where 10 000 electronic toys were hacked to create large and open responsive environments, Aleph where a grid of wing mirrors draw images from reflected colors or Wifi Camera which reveals how electromagnetic Wifi space looks like.

His projects have been presented at ICC-Tokyo, Venice Architecture Biennales, ISEA and Ars Electronica festivals, and published in leading blogs and magazines.

A dedicated team worker, adam has created all these experiments in horizontal collaboration with others, and part of the lecture will talk about the value of peer production and peer property. Another point will discuss how open systems can create stronger cultural experiences than closed ones, and how can one achieve these for the public or for professionals, exemplified with presenting Kitchen Budapest, an interdisciplinary media lab where adam works as a director and research initiator.


November 14 2007 6:30
Darwin Lecture Theatre, UCL, Gower Street London WC1
within the Bartlett School of Architecture’s International Lecture Series
The lecture is free and open to the public


The full lecture is available here:

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Projects and people mentioned in the lecture avialable online:

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